What are Chiropractors Adjusting in your Spine?

The Vertebral Subluxation.

What chiropractors mean by this term is a dysfunctional area in the spine that negatively affects health and wellbeing due to its influence on the nervous system.

The key focus as a chiropractor is to find and correct vertebral subluxation in order to restore healthy function in the spine and nervous system.

Subluxations are often tender to touch, and often cause pain when a person mover in a certain direction.

Chiropractors don’t just adjust random parts of the spine; they very carefully chose specific spinal segments to adjust.

The segment a chiropractor chooses to adjust will usually have corresponding muscle tightness and tenderness.

There are generally 3 joints that connect 2 vertebrae together. The disc and two facet joints, the release of gas within the facet joints is the “popping” sounds you hear when an adjustment is made.

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