5 Reasons Your Child Should See a Chiropractor
Children should see the chiropractor too. Over time all the physical, chemical and emotional stressors add up. Here are 5 reasons why your child should be seeing a chiropractor. Sports Participation- children jump, fall and play hard. Small imbalances over time can lead to more severe symptoms later in life. Better Sleep- during an adjustment […]
10 Reasons Parents Take Healthy Kids To The Chiropractor
Some adults may be wondering why more and more children are starting to see the chiropractor. Whether you have a large spine or a tiny little spine, if that spine is creating nerve distress, then our magnificent bodies cannot operate smoothly. Here are 10 reasons why parents are bringing healthy children to the chiropractor: To […]
Adjustments and the Immune System
Your immune system plays an enormous role in your overall health. The immune system protects our body from disease. Like all systems in our body, it is coordinated by the nervous system. Chiropractic focuses on ensuring that our brain and nervous system are clearly coordinating all body systems by removing vertebral subluxations. A study found that with the […]