Many athletes have discovered the benefits of using chiropractic care as part of their performance enhancing regime.
There are numerous scientific studies that show chiropractic care can alter and enhance muscle function in the general population and also some people with particular types of pain syndromes.
Studies have also shown that adjusting the spine can not only improve spinal function, but can also improve the way we sense our environment, process information in our brains, and control the muscles in our arms and legs.
Chiropractic care can also play a role in injury prevention by improving an individual’s core stability, improving proprioception, and increasing the accuracy of their brain’s control over their muscles.
The ability to activate the core abdominal muscles is essential for lower back health and the prevention of back injuries.
Can you think of any sports person that would not benefit from naturally improved reaction time, increased muscle strength, and the prevention of muscle fatigue developing?