Top 6 Common Myths About Chiropractic Care:

1.Once you see a chiropractor you have to keep going back.- This is false. Depending on the patient and the condition, the recommended course of care may vary. Ultimately the decision to continue care is up to the patient and how they are feeling. 2. Chiropractors are not “real” doctors.- Chiropractors are regulated in all 10 […]

Chiropractic’s Impact on the BRAIN

Your BRAIN is the super conductor of your life. It controls every cell, organ and tissue in your whole body.When you adjust the SPINE it sends electrochemical signals through the spinal cord to the BRAIN.The messages that get sent from your SPINE signal the BRAIN to make reactive changes in its activity and function.The brain’s […]

The 3 T’s of Chiropractic

D.D. Palmer stated that the cause of subluxation are the 3 T’s: trauma, toxins, thoughts; which can either directly or indirectly affect the spine and nervous system. Trauma is the most obvious cause of subluxation. We refer to trauma as any physical injury that impact the spine: car accident, fall, child birth, sports injury, etc.  Toxins […]