Pregnancy Tips

There is plenty of excitement and preparation involved as you prepare for the birth of your baby, but that be overshadowed by pain and discomfort. There are a variety therapeutic options available to help – just ask your chiropractor! Pregnancy Pains Why am I in pain? Low back, pelvic and hip pain during pregnancy can […]

June – Migraine Awareness Month

June is Migraine Awareness Month and this year’s theme is Educate Yourself, Educate Others. If you suffer from migraines, chiropractic care can be a valuable tool in managing symptoms. Chiropractors can assess, diagnose, and manage headaches. Evidence suggests that chiropractic care, including manual therapy, can be effective in treating cervicogenic and tension headaches. Studies have […]

Benefits of Swimming

Summer is well underway and water activities are in full-swing. Whether it’s at a nearby lake, beach, or swimming pool, it’s time to talk about water exercises and why they’re good for you. Here are a few benefits of exercising (particularly swimming) in water: There’s low impact on your joints: Water gives you buoyancy—i.e., you […]

Chiropractic Care for Seniors

The health benefits that come from chiropractic care have been long proven with clinical research. However, there is a common misconception – that chiropractic care is only for people in a specific age group and for individuals without medical conditions. A fact is that older individuals can benefit from chiropractic care. Check out the several […]

Carpal Tunnel & Chiropractic Care

Carpal tunnel is something that is more common than people realize. The most popular association of carpal tunnel used to be workers who jobs required them to type on keyboards for several hours each day BUT there are lots of professions that require intense use of the hands – dentist, chefs, journalists to name a […]

Spinal Health Benefits of Walking

Lots of people talk about the different benefits of walking but you may not know how it applies to you. If you have back pain, walking regularly can be extremely helpful by providing the spine with added support and blood flow. Below are 3 spinal health benefits to convince you to get out and get […]

Allergies & Chiropractic Care

Spring is coming and that means pollen is too! Many people do not realize but there are many allergy sufferers out there who have found relief with chiropractic care. Here’s why: Our body’s immune system helps with fighting infection and preventing disease, and your overall well-being. The immune system also takes on foreign substances (dirt, pollen, […]

How to Cope With Daylight Savings Time Change

It’s that time of year again where we spring forward and though we gain an hour of sunshine, this week is hard as we lose an hour of sleep. Whether you welcome this time of year or hate the effects of time change, here are a few tips to naturally reset our circadian rhythm.  💊Omega […]

February – Heart Month

February is Heart Month, a time to bring attention to the importance of cardiovascular health and what we can to reduce our risk of cardiovascular disease. Below are a few tips to get you started: 1. Stop smoking- quitting smoking is the best thing that can be done for your heart and your overall health. 2. Know […]

Fitness Tips to Keep You Moving

Being active can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce blood pressure, build strong bones, relieve stress, and maintain flexibility and good posture. Recreational sport is a great way to enjoy the benefits of physical activity.